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Is Being "Facebook-Official" Important?

The question here isn't really if it's important in general, but whether or not it is important to YOU. Being a "Facebook-Official" couple used to be all the rage a few years ago, but has this trend carried itself forward? Most importantly, do we really need it?

For some couples, putting up an "In A Relationship" status is an exciting step to take in letting everyone know they are committed to each other. This is especially true if the relationship is a long-distance one, where each partner has separate friends and co-workers. The relationship status sets boundaries for those willing to pursue them. Apart from this, it also lets everyone know the couple is committed and not interested in dating anyone else.

For some, though, it is something that easily causes fights. "Why don't you want to make this FB-official? Do you have a crush on someone in your account? Do you have a secret girlfriend? Are you two-timing me?" are questions often asked by such partners. The answers to such questions is usually a reason such as "Because it'll cause family problems.". Reasonable as it may be, the other partner usually gets spiteful and does something drastic, or forces the change upon their partner. (I know it sounds ridiculous when put this way, but this is the crime most of us are guilty of).

But does it really matter what your Facebook relationship status is set to? A person who wants to cheat on you will do so no matter what, so why assume setting up your relationship status together will prevent anything?

Personally, I believe being "Facebook-Official" is important only if you're engaged, married, or live far away from each other. Otherwise, if you see each other often and have the same friends, how does a piece of information on your social networking site profile matter?

What are your thoughts? Do you think being an official couple on Facebook defines your relationship? Does it matter to you simply because it is trendy? Or do you consider it an expression of your love? Please share in the comments!

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NARS Lip Gloss in Ophelia

NARS Lip Gloss in Ophelia

A shot of the tube with flash

Outer black box

I recently got this NARS lip gloss as a gift from my aunt. This is my first NARS lip gloss. In fact, this is my first NARS product! I was really excited getting this because I've been wanting one for the last five or so years!

This lip gloss was purchased from Sephora, which I'm sure you all know of! For reference, it costs $23.

The gloss tube comes in a black box. The tube of gloss itself is made of a rubbery material. I love how the tube looks, and am also glad it is not made of plastic - those things attract dust! The applicator is a sponge tip, but very small, so I don't get much gloss out at once - I have to dip the brush in the gloss two or three times.

The gloss is a pretty pink color which just enhances the natural color of my lips. It almost appears as if I'm wearing clear gloss, but there is some color, which means it evens out my lip color.

  • non-sticky
  • light
  • smells of motor oil (yuck!)
  • super shiny
  • color suitable for all skin tones
Overall, I really like this gloss, but would have liked it more if it smelled good. I love the tube, makes me feel like a celeb! So do yourself a favor and go grab this gloss, it will soon become your go-to gloss! :)

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